

更【gèng】新:2024-9-21 12:42:16    发布:大学生必备网【wǎng】      纠错



城乡规划BA Urban Planning and DesignBA Urban Planning
BA Environment and Planning
传播学BA Media and Communication StudiesBA Communication Studies
电气工程及其自动化BEng Electrical Engineering1. BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Pathway)
2. BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Electrical Engineering Pathway)
电子科学与技术BEng in Electronic Science and TechnologyBEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Electronic Engineering Pathway)
翻译BA Translation and Interpreting待定
工商管理BA Business AdministrationBA Business Management
工业设计BEng Industrial DesignBEng Industrial Design
供应链管理BSc Intelligent Supply Chain with Contemporary Entrepreneurialism不设2+2
广播电视学(电影电视制作)BA TV Production不设2+2
国际商务(国际商务与外国语)BA International Business with a LanguageBA International Business
国际事务与国际关系(国际关系)BA International RelationsBA International Relations
汉语国际教育BA China Studies不设2+2
环境科学BSc Environmental ScienceBSc Environmental Science
会计学BA AccountingBA Accounting and Finance
机器人工程BEng Intelligent Robotics Engineering with Contemporary Entrepreneurialism不设2+2
机械电子工程BEng Mechatronics and Robotic Systems(Mechatronics and Robotic Systems Pathway)BEng Mechatronics and Robotic Systems
计算机科学与技术BEng Computer Science and TechnologyBEng Computer Science and Electronic Engineering(Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Pathway)
建筑学BEng ArchitectureBA Architecture
金融数学BSc Financial MathematicsBSc Actuarial Mathematics
经济学BSc EconomicsBSc Economics
经济与金融BSc Economics and FinanceBSc Economics
精算学BSc Actuarial ScienceBSc Mathematics with Finance
BSc Actuarial Mathematics
人力资源管理BA Human Resource ManagementBA Business Management
生物科学BSc Biological SciencesBSc Genetics
BSc Microbiology
BSc Biochemistry
BSc Biological Sciences
生物信息学BSc BioinformaticsBSc Biological Sciences
BSc Genetics
BSc Microbiology
BSc Biochemistry
生物制药BEng Biopharmaceutical Programme待定
市场营销BA MarketingBA Marketing
数据科学与大数据技术BEng Data Science and Big Data Technology with Contemporary Entrepreneurialism不设2+2
数学与应用数学BSc Applied MathematicsBSc Mathematics
数字媒体技术BEng Digital Media TechnologyBEng Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (Digital Media Technology Pathway)
数字媒体艺术BA Digital Media Arts不设2+2
通信工程BEng Telecommunications EngineeringBEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Electronic Engineering and Communications Pathway)
土木工程BEng Civil EngineeringBEng Civil Engineering
土木工程(建筑工程)BEng Architectural EngineeringBEng Architectural Engineering
微电子科学与工程BEng Microelectronic Science and Engineering with Contemporary Entrepreneurialism不设2+2
物联网工程BEng Internet of Things Engineering with Contemporary Entrepreneurialism不设2+2
信息管理与信息系统BSc Information Management and Information SystemsBSc Financial Computing
BSc Computer Science with Software Development
信息与计算科学BSc Information and Computing ScienceBSc Computer Science
药学BSc Pharmaceutical Sciences待定
艺术与科技BA Arts, Technology and Entertainment with Contemporary Entrepreneurialism不设2+2
应用化学BSc Applied ChemistryBSc Chemistry
应用统计学(生物统计学方向)BSc Biomedical Statistics不设2+2
英语(传媒英语)BA English and Communication StudiesBA English and Communication Studies
英语(国际商务英语)BA English and International BusinessBA English and Business
英语(金融英语)BA English and Finance不设2+2
英语(应用英语研究)BA Applied EnglishBA English
影视摄影与制作BA Filmmaking不设2+2
智能制造工程BEng Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering with Contemporary Entrepreneurialism不设2+2


西交利【lì】物【wù】浦大学(Xi’an Jiaotong-liverpool University)位于【yú】江苏省【shěng】苏州市,是【shì】经中国教育部批准【zhǔn】、由西【xī】安交通大学和英【yīng】国利物浦【pǔ】大学合【hé】作创立的,拥有中华人【rén】民【mín】共和【hé】国【guó】学士学【xué】位和英【yīng】国利物浦大学学位【wèi】授予权的中外合作【zuò】大学,承担国家【jiā】“863 计划”科研课【kè】题【tí】的成员单【dān】位。 2017年,学校成为江苏省省级硕士立项建设单位。